AZ Pain Doctors Blog

4 Ways Take Control Of Your Pain Post-Surgery

Written by AZ Pain Doctors | Jul 20, 2020 8:43:41 PM

Most people get at least one surgery throughout their lifetime. Some people get many more operations than others, but it depends on their health, their surroundings, and what activities they engage in. Many people break their arm or leg when they are young, and often it heals smoothly. When you get older, you are at more risk of losing balance and falling, and as your bones are more brittle, they are easier to break. Many other people require surgery to take care of disease, organ transplants, and for cosmetic reasons. While all types of operations differ in their level of invasiveness, the healing process will most likely be painful. In some cases, after surgery, you may have to speak to a doctor about the risk of chronic pain in Glendale. They will outline ways you can prevent this from occurring while offering you potential treatment plans.


If you have recently had surgery, you may be looking for ways to make the healing process less painful. While you may think prescription medications are the only answer, there are many other things that you can do and implement in your life that will minimize pains and speed up healing. This article will outline four ways that you can take control of any pains post-surgery. It may take time for these to come into full effect, but you will no doubt see results if you follow these tips and the regime given to you by the pain clinic in Glendale.


Don’t Delay Your Efforts


You must try and stay ahead of pains, or else they will catch up with you, prolonging healing and making it more challenging. So, even if you aren’t experiencing severe bouts of pain, you should start taking your prescribed medication. The doctor will have given you this to take control of your management well before it gets worse. Healing is a painful process, and the stages of discomfort often last weeks, if not months. Most medications do not fully affect your body unless they are in your system for at least a few days. While you may be hesitant to try the prescriptions immediately following your surgery, they will be necessary for your being able to maintain a comfortable quality of life. Your body will not be able to heal properly if you are suffering, as you won’t fully rest, which is crucial to the healing process.


Consider Non-Prescription Management Tools


Depending on the severity of your surgery, you may require high doses of prescription painkillers. Still, in other situations, you may be on a low dose that will be used in tandem with non-prescription medications like acetaminophen and ibuprofen. While prescription medications can be beneficial after your surgery, it is not the only way that you can manage pains. For those who suffer from addiction or have an aversion to medications that contain opioids, alternative methods of managing your suffering can be extremely helpful. Acupuncture has been known to be very helpful in limiting the need for opioid medications following surgery. When used in tandem with mental calming techniques such as meditation and deep breathing, your body can enter a fully relaxed state. If you are curious about these types of remedies, you can speak to the pain management experts in Glendale, and they will outline some of the ways you can make coping easier.


Focus On Sleep


Getting enough rest is critical for your body to enter a state in which it can heal. Sleeping is the best way to get this rest and is even more necessary after surgery. Whether you are dealing with neck pain in Glendale or just coming home after an appendectomy, sleep will be vital in limiting your suffering. It is widespread to have trouble sleeping after surgery because of bodily pains. If sleep is something that you struggle with, you need to make it a priority. A way that you can help your body to sleep better is to practice sleep hygiene habits. Make sure you aren’t eating past 7PM, and that you don’t stare at a screen at least an hour before going into your bed. There are some natural remedies such as chamomile and melatonin that you can take for sleep, but your doctor will better be able to help you address more severe sleeping issues. You can use alternative management regimes such as meditation and deep breathing to help you enter a state of relaxation, which will be useful before bed.


Gradually Increase Activity


Many people think that after you have had surgery that you must refrain from any physical activity. While this is true, it does not mean zero movements. It would help if you started attempting regular bouts of physical activity to ensure that you exercise your body and get it accustomed to the way it used to be. Even if it is a bit painful, it is good to exercise your muscles as it will also train your brain, letting it know that you are getting ready for regular activities. It would be best if you only did this for a few minutes each day and not attempt anything extreme until you are fully recovered. While it may be tempting to walk to the kitchen and grab a snack, it is best to have someone else around to help you complete these sorts of tasks. If you put too much stress on your body during this time, it will only make the healing process last longer, and your pains may worsen.


Whether you are dealing with post-surgery pains or back pain in Glendale, you shouldn’t wait to start treatments. You want to get ahead of it so that you can recover more quickly. Consider trying out alternative management methods such as acupuncture and meditation and remember to get as much sleep as possible. Slowly with time, you can increase your physical activity and will be back to your regular self in no time.